USMMA Sea Year Program

The United States Merchant Marine (USMMA) Sea Year program and the Internship Program are designed to develop a midshipman’s understanding of the technical, practical, and social characteristics required of a highly trained professional in the maritime industry. This purpose is achieved by placing each midshipman in an actual on-the-job marine environment (both aboard ship and ashore) under normal work conditions and guided by stringent practical and academic requirements–all this while visiting an average of 18 foreign countries.

The first sea period takes place during sophomore year and lasts approximately 100 days. The second sea period, in the junior year, is longer, lasting about 235 days. 

Why is sea year so important?

Sea Year is a part of the fabric of Kings Point, dating back to 1942. Over the decades, midshipmen have engaged in peacetime commerce, have transported military supplies to the Persian Gulf and to Kosovo, and have been part of humanitarian missions to Haiti and Somalia. Moreover, for most midshipmen, it’s their first real opportunity for self-reliance. At sea, you’ll balance your time between shipboard tasks and your sea project. You’ll develop self-discipline and self-confidence. You’ll practice human relations skills as you work both with the ship’s officers and crew. You’ll observe different and exotic cultures as you travel from port to port.